Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing #7a

I found several interesting things as I was exploring my Google Reader again today. One of the feeds I subscribe to is the blog Free Technology for Teachers. I have really enjoyed getting the updates in my Google Reader. I do not read every update he posts, just the ones that really jump out at me. Each month he does a post of that month's most popular content. So, today, I read his post of June's Most Popular Content. In it he lists 10 links to websites that are great resources for teachers.

One of the links that I followed was entitled, Twelve Essentials for Technology Integration. It was actually one of the author's previous posts on his blog. (Free Technology for Teachers -- linked above) I thought that this post was absolutely fabulous!! In it he discussed how his school is going to a 1 to 1 Laptop program next year and he will be a resource on campus for his fellow teachers. So, he created a guide that will serve as a launching pad for teachers starting the program. It gives 12 different suggestions for using technology in practical ways in the classroom. Many of them, I am proud to say, we have already explored in 23 Things. Some of them were new to me. It was very informative and helpful and gave me some great ideas...I actually printed off a copy to keep for myself. (He gives permission to print and pass along as desired!) One of the neat things I learned was about the program Animoto, which I used for Thing #10. Teachers can create an account which allows them FREE access to create videos longer than 30 seconds. This is a service other customers have to pay for. Yippee!! I am so excited...I am going to go create that account right now!!


  1. I glad that you're enjoying my blog and Twelve Essentials for Technology Integration. Thanks for the kind review of my blog.

    Richard Byrne

  2. Richard -- Thank you for taking the time to share all of your knowledge about technology and how it can be used in the classroom. I know it is benefiting me and I am sure many other teachers as well!
