Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thing #22

I recently joined Facebook at the encouragement of family! My whole family was on Facebook and kept asking my husband and me what we were waiting for. I was reluctant at can become so time consuming and sometimes seems so silly! I know this because I used to do MySpace in college to keep up with church friends and some high school friends. I enjoyed it for a while...until I realized once I started teaching that all of my students were on there and it just seemed weird, so I deleted my account!! After seeing both MySpace and Facebook, I definitely prefer Facebook. The content typically seems more appropriate. I have seen some frightening things on MySpace and it often worries me for my students to use it.

I like that you can set all of your privacy settings as you desire. I do not like the idea of the whole world being able to see my profile and photos, so it is nice to be able to set those for friends only. I like that you have to confirm before a friend is added so that you have control over what is on your page. Personally, I do not like many of the quizzes on Facebook. They seem really silly, but I guess to each his own!! Overall, I think Facebook is nice. I like that I can keep up with family and I have found a few friends from high school. It was nice to reconnect and see how they are doing!

As far as educational purposes go, I am not so sure that I am sold! I have a hard time seeing how Facebook would work for that. I know that there would be options to set up groups for a specific purpose, so classmates or group members could collaborate for homework help or projects. I don't know how often that actually happens, but I'm sure it could be a possibility. Regardless, I do think that it is important to be aware of Facebook and MySpace because our kids are definitely in the know and we need to be too!

You can find my profile here.

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