Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing #18

I confess that I have spent way too many hours working on just this one thing. Unfortunately it wasn't necessarily fun time that I spent. Now, don't get me can get a lot of cheap entertainment on YouTube! There are many funny videos -- my frustration came when I was trying to find school videos to incorporate into lessons. I had trouble finding things that would work with concepts with which my students struggle. I found several videos that covered topics like context clues or main idea but they were extremely cheesy! 6th graders don't do cheesy!! :) I eventually found a couple that I think I can use. One is called Literature Circles. In this video, students narrate their experiences with lit circles and the roles they played. This would be great when I am introducing lit circles to my students. However, we don't necessarily use all of the same roles so it would need some tweaking. Maybe I can make a video with a group of students specially for our class. I also found a Digital Book Talk that introduces the 2009 Lonestar Books. This is going to definitely be something I will use with my kids to promote those books and solve those "I can't find anything I like to read..." problems! As for the how to video...I had no idea that you could find so many how to videos on such a multitude of topics. I chose this video called the Fastest Way to Tie a Tie EVER. This is one of those tasks I never learned...thankfully my husband never needs my help! So, who knows, maybe I can figure it out now!

I never even knew about TeacherTube until now! I like that all of the videos have educational purposes so there is less weeding through of videos that are completely not useful for the classroom. I will probably be spending more time exploring this site for videos in the future.

The last video I will leave you with is Michael Jordan vs. CEO John Rogers. I came across this and thought it was so funny! The last line at the end of the video was my absolute favorite, but you have to listen closely! Enjoy...

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