Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thing #13

Why am I just now learning of this?? That is the question I asked after reading about Delicious. This is literally the first time I have ever heard of Delicious and I became more and more excited as I read about what it does. The thought of having all of my bookmarks in one location makes my must-be organized self very happy! I was just lamenting the other day about how cluttered and messy my bookmarks had become! (I know...I am sounding a bit dramatic here!!) Delicious will be solving that problem for me just as soon as I have time to import all of my bookmarks. Not only do I love that they are all in one place, I also love that I can access them from anywhere, not just my home computer. This will definitely be beneficial!

Now, because Delicious is a social bookmarking site, I don't want to neglect the social aspect of it. I think that is another wonderful feature. This can be a great way to share resources with colleagues, even across grade levels. (There's that whole when you learn, I learn thing coming into play again.) Students could also use this when working on projects. They can share resources they have found in one central location. I think Delicious is quickly going to become one of my favorite things!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know ow I ever got along without my delicious account!
