Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing #8

I found this "thing" very helpful. I will be the first to admit that I do not understand all of the copyright rules and regulations. I appreciated the information that helped to clear that up a bit. I never knew that as soon as you create a new product that you have an automatic copyright...I thought it was more complicated than that! I have often worried about whether I was breaking copyright laws. I know teachers joke about all ending up in "copyright jail" together!

I think that Creative Commons seems great! I love that it is a place that we can go to where we know that it is okay to use the products as long as we give due credit. This takes a lot of the pressure of copyright worries away instantly. I am excited to look into it more and see all of the things it has to offer. I know that it will be a great resource for lessons and could also be a useful tool for students. It also seems as if it will be a good way to teach my students about copyright and what is acceptable.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe as we teach this more to students they will become more responsible about using others work and posting their own works
