Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #2

Whew! Where do I start? I think that the possibilities for enhancing my teaching and the level of engagement and learning of my students with Web 2.0 are limitless!! There's just the matter of learning how to use all those technologies that I must first tackle! :) I'll just be honest...there are some things about Web 2.0 that I am familiar with already and there are some things that I just am absolutely clueless about! (wikis, RSS, the list goes on...)

I thought the video of the students with the wipe-off boards was quite powerful. I know that if I can tap into the technology my students are interested in, we could create some powerful learning. (This of course has to be coupled with a genuine connection and investment in each student.) In reading the article about the Web 2.0 Classroom, I have to admit, some of it seemed a little overwhelming. Yet, it also seemed really exciting. The students were engaged and EXCITED. They were directing their own learning in many aspects. Another thing that I thought was absolutely wonderful was the way parents were able to be involved. I am thinking now of beginning a blog for my parents to keep up with assignments and what students are learning in my class. I think that would be a great tool to build relationships with parents.

I am excited to continue learning more about Web 2.0 and how specifically I can incorporate it into my own classroom. I know that my list of ideas will grow as my learning continues.

1 comment:

  1. I would have loved for a teacher to have had a blog when my son was in school. I didn't get a lot of info out of him. I'm sure your parents will love the communication and a way to get conversations started at home.
