Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #1

I am excited to be writing on my very own blog! After watching the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, I have reflected on the traits and how they rank in my own life. I definitely consider myself as a lifelong learner. I think that education is invaluable and empowering. I love to learn and am always wanting to find new ways to be a better teacher for my students. That is precisely why I enrolled in this course! :)

I think that the habit that is most resonant with me, and coincidentally, also the most important, is beginning with the end in mind. (I know it will be important when I get bogged down with the busyness of life.) I am very driven and goal oriented. I like to finish what I start! I know that by taking this course I will be able to learn about new technologies that I can use in my teaching which will make my students more excited and engaged next year.

The most challenging habit for me will probably be viewing problems as challenges. This is sometimes difficult for me...I tend to get frustrated when I can't figure something out and it seems more like a crisis than a challenge I can learn from. Inevitably, when learning new technology, I know there will be problems....I am hoping to be able to view them as challenges!

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