Friday, June 26, 2009

Thing #7

Okay, I'll be honest, I am a lurker! I am one of those people who loves to read and explore blogs but I never comment. I am not sure why...maybe because I don't always feel as if I have something important to say, or maybe because I might say something that other people find stupid and then I'll feel silly. After reading the articles about commenting I am beginning to understand the importance of leaving comments. It helps to shape and continue the conversation the blogger has begun. After all, that really is usually the point of blogging. Otherwise we might as well all be talking to ourselves. I certainly understand why commenting would be important for our students when they blog. It gives them important feedback, encouragement, and fosters self-worth so I don't know why that wouldn't translate to us as adults, too!!

I do still have a lingering question about commenting that didn't seem to be answered in the articles we read. Should we comment back on our comments post to people who have left us a comment??

1 comment:

  1. I think you would find that the majority of people feel exactly like you! I know I do-- but the more you post the better you'll get!

    Yes, if you want to respond to someone that commented on your blog that's great. I'm sure they will love it too!
