Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posting #2 District Technology Plan

The goal of our district's technology plan is to "infuse 21st Century skills throughout the District integrating technology as a tool for problem-solving and creativity." Mesquite ISD seeks to actualize this goal by equipping teachers and students with 21st century tools. For example, campuses have student computers, laptops, Promethean boards, IPod touches, and other technological equipment available for use.

In order to ensure that teachers are prepared to use this equipment our district offers multiple staff development opportunities. Most of the staff development classes teach teachers how to use the technology and offer suggestions for classroom application. Some of the classes are unique in that they teach teachers how to train their students in using the technology. Technology specialists are responsible for planning and implementing staff development opportunities; however, teachers are also encouraged to teach classes and share their expertise with others. All teachers who attend classes receive a stipend known as "Pay for Knowledge". This is just a small incentive that our district uses to encourage teachers to continue learning.

All of this technology comes at a price. Our district participates in E-Rate but also budgets for the portion that is not discounted. One of the ways that allows for resources that we cannot afford with our budget is by receiving grants. Our technology specialists write grants regularly that allow our campuses to gain new technology tools. Teachers are also encouraged to write grants and classes are offered to train them in this endeavor.

Software and other resources are typically assessed for their usefulness in improved student learning by evaluating student data through various assessment tools. Teachers are also frequently surveyed for their input about technology usefulness in their classrooms. Mesquite ISD relies heavily on STaR chart to monitor their progress toward reaching district and campus technology goals. The data from STaR chart helps to guide administrators and teachers as they write their campus improvement plans.

All of these elements work together to help our district progress in the area of technological advances so that our students will benefit from learning and working with 21st century tools.

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